Who will attend our Dangerous Goods Regulations or Dangerous Goods Awareness courses?

Air Marine Transport Training Centre Ltd. has been an IATA DG Accredited Training School and recognized by Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong Government since March 2014.  We provide professional training services which enable air marine personnel to handle shipping cargoes according to the regulations and requirements of IATA and Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong Government. All training programs are designed and delivered by experienced instructor (Polly Kwok). Program schedule and training materials are designed according to the specific training needs of different customers.

With effect from 01 January 2023, Competency-based Approach to Dangerous Goods Training and Assessment will be fully Implemented by ICAO & IATA.  Employers need to ensure that DG training provided to employees on or after 1 January 2023 meets the new requirements.  

In April 2022, Air Marine Transport Training Centre Ltd. has been accredited as an IATA CBTA Provider and we are recognized by Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department as well. We have designed Initial Dangerous Goods Regulations course

 (5 days), Recurrent Dangerous Goods Regulations course (3 days) and Dangerous Goods Awareness course (0.5 day).

According to the personnel functions as per IATA Dangerous Goods Training Guidance 7.1 / 7.3 (Note: *roles a & c as defined by HK CAD), participants shall join Initial Dangerous Goods Regulations course (5 days) i.e. the first time to study Dangerous Goods Regulations course or participants shall take Recurrent Dangerous Goods Regulations course (3 days). The personnel functions as per Note: *roles b & d as defined by HK CAD, participants shall join Dangerous Goods Awareness course (0.5 day).

The Dangerous Goods certificates for the mentioned courses are valid for 2 years. Recurrent Dangerous Goods training must be taken within 2 years. Training certificates that are issued before 1 January 2023 and have a validity period beyond 1 January 2023 will continue to be valid until the next recurrent training cycle.


It is the responsibilities of employers to develop Analysing Training Needs and determine the well-defined job functions for their employees.


Note:  *員工角色Roles a, b, c and d

   a — 負責預備空運危險品貨物之員工 Personnel responsible for preparation of DG consignments

   b — 負責收運一般空運貨物之員工 Personnel responsible for processing or accepting goods presented as general cargo

   c — 負責收運空運危險品之員工 Personnel responsible for processing or accepting DG consignments

   d — 負責在倉庫搬運貨物以及裝載和卸載集裝器之員工Personnel responsible for handling cargo in a warehouse and

           loading and unloading unit load devices


付運人、貨運代理人及其外判商的員工 — 空運危險品培訓需求分析表格

Dangerous Goods (DG) Training Needs Analysis Form for Staff Members of Shippers,

Freight Forwarders & Sub-Contractors



機構名稱 Company Name:





Training Needs Analysis Record


  1. 1.每位員工可負責列表一(見下頁)內不同的任務/工作組合或負責多於一種角色(如適用)。Each employee may be responsible for a mixture of tasks or be responsible for more than one role (if applicable) shown in Table 1 on the next page.  

  2. 2.僱主可採用公司內部的培訓政策手冊所列出的特定工作職能的培訓需求(如有),以代替下列為每位員工填寫的培訓需求分析記錄。Employers may substitute a training needs analysis record for each employee with an internal training policy manual (if any), describing the training needs for certain job functions. 



Name of Employee

員工角色 (見列表一)

Role of personnel (see Table 1)



Name of Employee

員工角色 (見列表一)

Role of personnel (see Table 1)


e.g. Chan Tai Man






e.g. Wong Ka Man

b, d


























































負責人資料 Responsible Person:

(姓名 Name)

(職位 Position)


(電話 Phone)

(電郵 Email)



(簽署 Signature)





列表一   培訓需求分析範本 參考國際民航組織的明確界定的員工角色

Table 1   Training Needs Analysis Template (well-defined roles with reference to the International Civil Aviation Organization)


Select the most appropriate role(s) for each employee based on the task list below:








0. 一般知識及安全培訓包括緊急應變措施 General awareness and safety training (including emergency response procedures)





1. 分類危險物品Classifying dangerous goods

1.1 按照分類標準評估物質或物品(確定是否屬於危險品,及是否在所有情況下都禁止運輸)Evaluate substance or article against classification criteria (check if it is DG, and whether forbidden under any circumstances)


1.2 判斷危險品的描述/特性(判斷危險品的類別或項別、包裝等級、聯合國編號等) Determine DG description (determine class or division, packing group, UN number, etc.)


1.3 審視特殊規定Review special provisions


2. 預備托運危險物品Preparing dangerous goods shipments

2.1 評估包括數量限制在內的包裝選項(考慮各種限制、國家和航空公司差異條款等) Assess packing options including quantity limitations (consider limitations, state and operator variations, etc.)


2.2 運用適當包裝(考慮包裝說明的限制、選擇適當的包裝物料等) Apply packing requirements (consider constraints of packing instructions, select appropriate packaging materials, etc.)


2.3 運用適當標記及標籤Determine and apply marks and labels


2.4 評估合成包裝的使用情況 Assess use of overpacks


2.5 預備危險品的文件  Prepare documentation


3. 收運貨物 Processing/accepting cargo

3.1審視危險品的文件  Review documentation


3.2 審視危險品的包裝、標記及標籤  Review packaging, marks & labels


3.3 進行及完成危險品收運程序 Conduct and complete DG acceptance procedures


3.4 收運非危險品貨物(檢查文件及包裝件是否存在未申報危險品的跡象)Process/accept cargo other than DG (check documentation and packages for indications of undeclared DG)


4. 裝載前管理貨物 Managing cargo pre-loading

4.1 策劃裝載危險品貨物(判斷貨物隔離、分隔等要求) Plan loading DG cargo (determine segregation, separation, etc. requirements)


4.2 預備裝載危險品貨物(檢查包裝件是否存在未申報危險品的跡象、檢查貨物是否存在損壞/滲漏、使用集裝器標籤等)Prepare DG cargo load for aircraft (check packages for indications of undeclared DG, check for damage/leakage, apply ULD tags when applicable, etc.)


7.  收集安全數據(報告危險品意外、事故、未申報/錯誤申報危險品及其他事故)

Collecting safety data (report DG accidents, incidents, undeclared/misdeclared DG & other occurrences)





   a 負責預備空運危險品貨物之員工 Personnel responsible for preparation of DG consignments

   b 負責收運一般空運貨物之員工 Personnel responsible for processing or accepting goods presented as general cargo

   c 負責收運空運危險品之員工 Personnel responsible for processing or accepting DG consignments

   d 負責在倉庫搬運貨物以及裝載和卸載集裝器之員工Personnel responsible for handling cargo in a warehouse and loading and unloading unit load devices


Personnel who are responsible for following functions shall join our D.G. courses and acquire the below certificate (s) after completion of examination with scores 80% or above:

Staff of shippers, freight forwarders, warehouse or transportation staff:

Personnel are responsible for functions as per IATA Dangerous Goods Training Guidance 7.1 / 7.3 (Note: *roles a & c as defined by HK CAD), shall join the training in the same class and at the same times for attending either Initial Dangerous Goods Regulations course (5 days) or Recurrent Dangerous Goods Regulations course (3 days).

Participants will receive Two IATA E-Certificates as per IATA Dangerous Goods Training Guidance 7.1 / 7.3  as below:

•        Personnel responsible for preparation of DG consignments (certificate for function 7.1) (Note: *role a) and

•        Personnel responsible for processing or accepting DG consignments (certificate for function 7.3) (Note: *role c)


1.        Course fee will be included training and registration of two certificates (7.1 and 7.3) (Note: *roles a & c)

2.        Two IATA E-Certificates as per IATA Dangerous Goods Training Guidance 7.1 / 7.3 (Note: *roles a & c as

             defined by HK CAD) for Initial or Recurrent D.G. Course will be issued by IATA.


Note:  *員工角色Roles a and c

   a — 負責預備空運危險品貨物之員工 Personnel responsible for preparation of DG consignments

   c — 負責收運空運危險品之員工 Personnel responsible for processing or accepting DG consignments



Staff of shippers, freight forwarders, warehouse or transportation staff:

Personnel are responsible for functions as per Note: *roles b & d as defined by HK CAD, shall join the training in the same class and at the same times for attending Dangerous Goods Awareness course (0.5 day)

Participant will receive a certificate for both functions Note: *roles b & d as defined by HK CAD, after completion of the course and examination with scores 80% or above.

•        Personnel responsible for processing or accepting goods presented as general cargo; (certificate for Note: *role b);

•        Personnel responsible for handling cargo in a warehouse, and loading and unloading unit load devices; (certificate for Note: *role d);


Note:  *員工角色Roles b and d

   b — 負責收運一般空運貨物之員工 Personnel responsible for processing or accepting goods presented as general cargo

   d — 負責在倉庫搬運貨物以及裝載和卸載集裝器之員工Personnel responsible for handling cargo in a warehouse and

           loading and unloading unit load devices