Air Transport for Lithium Batteries and Other Batteries (0.5 day)

Time frame

Topic & Sub-topic


Welcome & Course Introduction


Course Objective

  Smoke free building
  Course Administration
  Introduce CBTA Program
  Briefing for Examination and Training Assessment Evaluation
  Section 1 Applicability
  Definition of DG

Dangerous Goods (Consignment by Air) (Safety) Ordinance and Regulations Cap-384

  1.1 Basis of these Regulations
  1.3 Shipper’s Responsibilities
  Individual and collective role of the supply chain stakeholders
  1.3.4 Retention of Documents
  1.4 Operator responsibilities
  Training Requirement

Tables H.6.2.A, H.6.4.A

  1.7 DG Security High consequence DG
  Section 2 Limitation
  2.1 Forbidden DG
  2.2 Hidden DG
  GHS Pictograms Tables B.4.A, B.4.B
  2.3 Cases sharing on hidden DG
  Hidden D.G. shipped in E-Commerce Cargo
  Check documentation for indications of hidden/undeclared D.G.
  Table 2.3.A  (Provisions for Dangerous Goods Carried by passengers or crew)
  2.8 State & Operator variations

Recognise the impact of State & Operator variations

  Section 3 Classification Understand general principles of packing groups
  3.1 Hazard Classes (Class 1 – Class 9)
  Consider Multiple Hazards
  Lithium Battery
  Q&A session
1515-1525 Coffee Break
1525-1615 Section 7 Marking & Labelling
  7.0.1 Marking Responsibilities Mandatory & Additional Markings
  7.2 Labelling (Hazard and Handling labels)
  Section 8 Documentation
  8.1.5 Completion of Shipper’s Declaration
  8.2  Completion of Air Waybill
  Section 9 Handling
  Managing cargo pre-loading

  Table 9.3A Segregation of D.G.
  9.3.4 cargo compartment limitation
  Apply ULD tags when applicable
  9.3.10 Transport cargo/baggage
  Loading aircraft
  9.4 Check packages for indications of hidden/undeclared D.G
  9.4 Check packages for damage and/or leakage
  9.5.1 Verify aircraft load against NOTOC
  Emergency procedures
  1.8 & 9.6.1

Incidents and Accidents Reporting


Undeclared or Mis-Declared Dangerous Goods Reporting

1615-1700 Examination
1700-1730 Training Assessment Evaluation & class wrapped up