Recurrent – Dangerous Goods Regulations (3 days)

Functions: 7.1 & 7.3

Program Outlines

Day 1

Time frame Topic or Sub-topic
0900-1030 Welcome, Self-Introduction, Administration, Emergency Plan
  Course Objectives
  Introduce CBTA Program
  Briefing for Interim training Assessment Evaluation,

Examination and Final training Assessment Evaluation

  National Legislation

Dangerous Goods (Consignment by Air) (Safety) Ordinance and Regulations Cap-384

  Aircraft Crash Incident
  General Philosophy
  Reference Marks
  Appendix A – Glossary
  Appendix B – Nomenclature

–         Symbols and abbreviations

–         Conversion tables

–         GHS Pictograms

  Appendix C – Table C.1 Self-reactive substances

 Table C.2 Organic Peroxides

  Appendix D – Competent Authorities, D.0, D.1, D.2
  Appendix E – Packaging Testing Facilities, Manufacturers and Supplies
  Appendix F – Related Services
  Appendix H- CBTA Approach
  Appendix I – Impending Changes
  Section 1 Applicability

1.0 Definition of DG

  1.1 Basis of these Regulations
  1.1.1 UN CoE
  1.1.2 IAEA
  1.1.3 ICAO ANNEX18
  1.1.4 IATA DGR
  1.2.1 Applicability
  1.2.4 Scope
  1.2.5 Approvals
  1.2.6 Exemptions

1.2.7 Exceptions

  1.2.8 General Transport Requirement
  1.2.9 Application if Standards
  1.2.10 DG Packages Opened by Customs and Other Authorities
  1.3 Shipper’s Responsibilities

1.3.1 Compliance

  1.3.2 Specific Responsibilities
  1.3.3 DG in consolidations
  1.3.4 Retention of documents
  1.4 Operator’s Responsibilities

1.4.1 General

  1.5 Training Requirement

1.5.0 General

  Table 1.5.A
  1.6 Adequate Instruction for Shipping Section II Lithium Batteries
  1.7 DG Security Definition of High consequence DG
  Table 1.7.A & Table 1.7.B
  1.8 Incident & Accident Reporting
1030-1035 Coffee Break
1035-1115 Section 2 Limitation

2.1 Forbidden DG

  2.1.1 DG Forbidden in aircraft under any circumstances

2.1.2 DG Forbidden Unless Exempted

  2.2 Hidden DG

Recognition of Undeclared dangerous goods

  Hidden D.G. shipped in

E-Commerce Cargo

  2.3 DG carried by passengers or crew & Table 2.3.A
  2.3.1 Forbidden goods
  2.3.2  Goods Acceptable with Operator Approval as Checked Baggage Only Wheelchairs/ Mobility Aids with Spillable Batteries Wheelchairs/ Mobility Aids with Lithium Batteries Camping Stoves and Fuel Containers that have Contained a Flammable Liquid Fuel
  2.3.3  Goods Acceptable with Operator Approval as Carry-on Baggage Only Mercury Barometer or Thermometer Lithium ion batteries Small Gas Cylinders Containing a Division 2.2 Avalanche Rescue Backpack Heat Producing Articles
  Table 2.3.A Safety Matches / Cigarette Lighter Hair Styling Equipment Portable electronic devices containing batteries Fuel Cells Contained in Portable Electronic Devices Insulated Packages Containing Refrigerated Liquid Nitrogen (Dry Shipper) Portable Electronic Equipment Containing Non-Spillable Batteries Non-Infectious Specimens Packed with Small Quantities of Flammable Liquids Internal Combustion or Fuel Cell
  2.4 Transport of Dangerous Goods by Post
11:15-12:00 2.6 DG in excepted quantities

2.6.1 Applicability  DG Permitted in EQ
  Code for Table 4.2
  Table 2.6.A
  2.6.5, 2.6.6 Packing & Package tests
  2.6.7 Marking of Packages
  2.6.8 Documentation
  2.7 Limited Quantities

2.7.0  General DG Permitted in Ltd Qty
  2.7.4. Qty Limitations
  2.7.5 Packing
  2.7.7 Marking & Labelling
  2.8 State & Operator Variation
  2.8.0 General
  2.8.1 State Variations List Summary
  2.8.2 List of State Variations
  2.8.3 Operator Variations List Summary
  2.8.4 List of Operator Variations
  Q&A, Section 1-2 Exercises,

Interim Training Assessment Evaluation (Tasks 1-3)

1200-1245 Lunch
1245-1500 Section 3 Classification
  3.0 General Principles

3.0.2 Hazard Classes/Divisions Divisions
  3.0.3  Packing Groups
  Class 1 Explosives
  3.1.4 Compatibility Groups For Explosives
  Table 3.1.A, Table 3.1.B
   Those acceptable by air (Div.1.3, Div.1.4 only)
  3.2  Class 2-Gases Div. 2.1 Flammable gases Div. 2.2 non- Flammable, Non-toxic gases Div. 2.3 Toxic gases
  3.3. Class 3- Flammable Liquid

Table 3.3.A Packing Group Assignment

  3.4  Class 4
  Division 4.1

3.4.1 Flammable Solids; Self-reactive Substances and Desensitized Explosives, Appendix C.1

  Division 4.2

3.4.2 Substances Liable to Spontaneous Combustion

  Division 4.3

3.4.2 Substances which, in Contact with Water, Emit Flammable Gases

  3.5 Class 5-
  Division 5.1

3.5.1 Oxidizing Substances

  Division 5.2, Appendix C.2

3.5.2 Organic Peroxides

  3.6 Class 6
  Division 6.1

3.6.1 Toxic Substances Packing Groups assignment
  Table 3.6.A
  Division 6.2

3.6.2 Infectious Substances Definitions Classification of Infectious Substances

Table 3.6.D

  Class 7 Radioactive Material

Radioactive Material will be taught after General Dangerous Goods

  Class 8 Corrosives 3.8.1 Definition
  Table 3.8.A Packing Group Assignment
  Class 9 Miscellaneous Dangerous Substance and Articles

3.9.1 Definition Aviation Regulated Solid and Liquid Magnetized Material Elevated Temperature Substances Environmentally Hazardous Substances Lithium Batteries
  3.10 Multiple Hazards

3.10.2 Exceptions

  Table 3.10.A  Precedence of Hazards
  3.11Transport of Samples for Further Testing
  Emergency Response
1500-1530 Q&A, Exercises
1530-1535 Coffee Break
1535-1615 Section 4 Identification

4.0 General

  4.1 Selecting Proper Shipping Name
  4.1.2 Items not listed by name
  Table 4.1.A

Special / General entries

  4.2 List of DG (Blue Pages)
  4.3 Numerical Cross Reference of Dangerous Goods
  4.4 Special Provisions

A4, A5

1615-1830 Exercises, Group Discussion,

Interim Training Assessment Evaluation (Tasks 4-9)


Day 2

Time frame Topic or Sub-topic
0900-1030 Section 5 Packing Use of Freight Containers and ULD Overpack
  5.0.2  General Packing Requirements
  Plastic Drums, Jerrican and Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC) Different DG packed in one outer packaging
  5.0.4 Conditions Normal to Air Transport Temperature Pressure Vibrations
  5.0.7 List of UN Specification Packaging
  Table 5.0.B, Table 5.0.C
  Packing Instructions (Yellow Pages) Interpretation/application
  Update PI965-PI970 Lithium Batteries
1030-1035 Coffee Break
1035-1200 Section 6 Packaging

Packaging Specifications and Performance Tests

  6.0.3 Codes Used to Designate Types of UN Packagings Packaging type code Packaging material code Packaging qualifying codes Format of marking
  Table 6.5.A Division 6.2 Infectious Substances
  6.1 Requirements for Inner Packaging
  6.2 Specifications for UN Outer, Single and Composite Packagings
  6.3 Un Packaging Performance Tests
  Requirement for cylinders & Table.6.4.A
  Packagings for Infectious Substances of Category A
  Example of UN Specification Markings-Infectious Substances
  Test Criteria for Limited Quantity Packaging
  Requirements for the Construction & Testing of IBCs
  Exercises, Case Study,

Interim Training Assessment Evaluation (Tasks 10-13)

1200-1245 Lunch
1245-1530 Section 7  Marking & Labelling
  7.1 Marking
  7.1.1 Shipper’s responsibility
  7.1.2 Types of marking Quality of Markings
  7.1.4 Packaging Use Marking


  – PSN and UN Number

– Name & Address of Shipper and Consignee

  7.1.4 Other Markings

– Net Quantity

– Infectious Substances Div.6.2 & UN3373

– Dry Ice

– Refrigerated Liquefied gases

– Limited Quantities

– Salvage Packagings

– Size

– Empty Packagings

– All Packed in one

  7.1.5 Additional Markings Environmentally Hazardous Substances  Lithium Batteries Mark
  7.1.E Package marking
  7.1.7 Markings for overpack
  7.2 Labelling
  7.2.2 Quality and Specification Label Specifications
  7.2.3 / 7.3 Applicability & Specification of Hazard Labels
  7.2.4 Handling Labels
  7.2.6 Affixing of Labels
  7.2.A General
  Hazard Label location
  Section 8 Documentation
  8.0.1 Required Documentation Articles or substances that do not require a “DGD”
  8.1 Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods
  8.1.1 Specification for Declaration Form
  8.1.2 General Principles for Completion of Declaration Form
  8.1.3 Proper Shipping Name
  8.1.4 Other Requirement
  8.1.6 Detailed Instructions for Completion
  Aircraft Limitation
  Nature & Quantity of DG
  8.2 Air Waybill (detailed requirements for completion)
  8.3 Additional Documentation
  Section 9 Handling

9.1.1 Acceptance

  9.1.1 Cargo Acceptance Procedures
  9.1.2 Acceptance of DG by Operators
  9.1.3 Table 9.1.A Applicable Acceptance Procedures Summary

Non -Radioactive Material checklist

  9.1.4 Acceptance of Freight Containers and ULD
  9.1.5 Acceptance of Infectious substance
  9.1.6 Special Responsibilities in Accepting Div.4.1 & Div.5.2
  9.1.7 Consumer Product Warnings
  9.1.8 Consolidations
  9.2 Storage

9.2.1 Storage of Organic Peroxides and Self Reactive Substances

  9.2.2 Visibility of Markings and Labels
  9.3.2 Segregation of dangerous goods / Table 9.3.A
1530-1535 Coffee Break
1535-1830 Exercises, role play,

Interim Training Assessment Evaluation (Tasks 14-16)

Day 3

Time Frame Topic or Sub-topic
0900-1030 Section 10 Radioactive Materials

10.0.1 Scope and Application-Exceptions

  10.0.2 Radiation Protection Programme
  10.3 Classification


  10.3.2 Activity limits and A1 and A2

Table 10.3.A

  10.3.4 Special Form
  10.3.5 LSA , SCO, Fissile, Low dispersible Material
  10.3.9 Other Form
  10.3.11 Classification of Packages
  Table 10.4.A Identification
  Assignment of PSN/UN number
  10.5 Packaging
  10.5.8 and Table 10.3.C Excepted Package
  10.5.9 Industrial Package
  10.5.10 Type A Package
  10.5.11 Type B Package
  10.5.12 Type C Package
  10.5.14  Determination of TI & CSI
  Table 10.5.C
1030-1035 Coffee break
1035-1300 10.7 Marking Required Marks  Overpacks
  10.7.2 Labelling Label Marking
  10.7.4 Affixing labels
  10.7.8 Examples: Excepted package handling label
  10.8 Documentation
  10.8.3 Shipper’s Declaration Completion
  10.8.7 Competent Authority Certificates
  10.8.8 Air Waybill
  10.9 Handling

10.9.1 Applicability

  10.9.2 Storage
  Q&A, Exercises
1300-1345 Lunch
1345-1830 Examination & Final Training Assessment Evaluation
